
How to make your wife feel sexy

There are as many theories on how to make your wife feel sexy as there are husbands. Everyone’s got a secret formula that their spouse adores. Take my advice and don’t stress too much about it. You’ll find that there is no one single agreed upon way to make your wife feel sexy. She may simply be happy with a hug or her favorite food or a hot bubble bath. The only way to learn how she feels about intimacy is by talking about it openly, honestly, and without judgment.

Compliment her body, not your eyes.

Compliments are great for showing that you appreciate your woman’s efforts to look good for you, but they can also be a way to make yourself feel more secure in your relationship. If you tell her she looks amazing every time she wears something new or gets a new haircut, it shows that you like her and that you’re proud of her making an effort for you.

Compliments also help break up arguments. When things get heated between the two of you, complimenting one another can help ease tension and remind each other why you love being together in the first place.

Compliment her personality traits instead of just focusing on physical attributes. Women love compliments about their personality more than anything else — especially compliments about intelligence, kindness and sense of humor. That’s because women are constantly being judged based on their appearance, so when a guy tells them how smart or funny they are, it makes their heart sing! Read(how to know if your girlfriend is cheating)

Be mindful of how you talk about other women

You don’t need a ton of money or a new car to make your wife feel sexy. The best way to do that is by making her feel special, and there are a few ways you can do that.

Be mindful of how you talk about other women.

A man who thinks his wife is the most beautiful woman in the world is always going to make her feel sexy. If you want your wife to feel this way, be sure that you’re not talking about other women in a disrespectful manner. This means no catcalling, no ogling, no staring at other women’s butts, and no telling her how much better she looks than someone else (even if it’s true). It also means not saying anything negative about another woman’s appearance or intelligence (even if it’s true). Expressions like “That bitch is ugly,” “He’s going to cheat on her,” or “She doesn’t know what she wants” are all triggers for insecurity and jealousy — even if they’re true statements!

Compliment her often. Women are just as insecure as men when it comes to their appearance and their desirability — maybe even more so! You can help alleviate these feelings by giving your wife compliments on a regular basis — even

 Make sure she knows you love her

show her love

The best way to make your wife feel sexy is to start by making sure she knows you love her.

Tell her you love her every day. Not just once in a while, but on a regular basis. And do more than say it out loud. Show her with your actions that you mean what you say.

Show up at home with flowers or chocolate (or both) as a surprise, and then tell her how much you love her as you give them to her. If she’s busy working on something important, take a few minutes to sit down with her and let her know how much she means to you. When was the last time you did this?

The next thing I want to talk about is showing appreciation for who your wife is right now. Women are beautiful creatures, but they often don’t see themselves as such because we live in a world where women are constantly being judged on their looks (or lack thereof). So be sure that every time she walks into the room, you stop whatever it is that you’re doing and look at her — really look at her — and tell her how beautiful she is. Tell her how much better life would be without. Read( how to make a girl jealous)

How to make your wife feel sexy, Be okay talking about sex.

Sex is an important part of every marriage, but it doesn’t always come naturally. Learning how to be a good lover can be a challenge, especially if you’ve never had much experience with dating or flirting.

Sexy talk is one way that you can learn how to be more intimate with your partner. If you’re not sure how to do it, here are some tips for how you can start sexy conversations with your wife:

Be okay talking about sex. It’s natural for many people to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable when trying something new in bed, so take it slowly at first. You don’t have to jump into the deep end of the pool by coming out and saying “Hey baby, I want to tie you up tonight!” Instead, try something like “Honey? How did that make you feel?” or “I’m curious what would happen if we tried X next time.”

Know what turns her on and off. Find out what she likes by asking questions like “What makes you feel sexy?” and “What are your favorite things about our sex life?” Then use this information as a guide for future conversations and activities together. You may even want to keep notes or a journal so that you know exactly what turns her on without having. Read(cute messages to send tour girlfriend)

Don’t be afraid to flirt with her.

flirt with her

Flirting with your wife is essential to keeping the spark alive in your marriage. Flirting doesn’t mean you’re trying to get her into bed. It means you’re paying attention to her, letting her know she’s still attractive and desirable, and that you still want to be with her.

Don’t be afraid to flirt with your wife. Make eye contact with her when she walks into a room, compliment something she’s wearing or do something nice for her without being asked first – like filling up her car with gas on your way home from work (it’ll save time for both of you). And look for opportunities when you can express affection or appreciation for each other – like giving a hug when one of you comes home from work or saying “I love it when we go out on dates” rather than just “I love going out on dates.”

There are many ways to make your wife feel sexy, but here are a few things to avoid;

Don’t flirt with other women around your wife. This is a big one. It’s not enough to just be faithful; you have to show her that you’re faithful. If she sees you flirting, it will make her feel insecure about her relationship with you and about her own attractiveness.

Don’t ignore your wife when she tries to initiate sex. If your wife wants to have sex with you, let her know! Showing interest in what she wants gives her validation that she is attractive and desirable — which makes her feel sexy! Read(best flirting jokes to use on girls)

Plan date nights with her to make your wife feel sexy

take her out

When you’re married, it’s easy to fall into a routine and forget to make time for your partner. But if you want to keep the spark alive in your marriage, you’ve got to stay connected with your wife.

Here are some ways you can show her how much she means to you:

Plan date nights with her. Take her out for a movie or go dancing at a club. Anything that gets both of you out of the house and away from the kids will make her feel special. It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money; just make sure that it’s something that makes her feel like she’s being pampered by her man.

Spend quality time together. If your wife works full time outside the home, chances are she’s tired when she comes home at night and just wants a few minutes of peace before she starts cooking dinner or doing laundry. Instead of letting her sit down and relax on her own, join in with whatever she’s doing — even if it’s just watching TV — so that when you do spend time alone together later on in the evening, it won’t feel like two separate events but more like one shared experience between two people who love each other very much. Read(what to say to girl you love)

Don’t be critical of her looks, or life choices.

When you’re married, it can be easy to take your partner for granted. But don’t get stuck in a rut of mundane conversations and chores. Instead, make the effort to surprise your wife with unexpected gestures, such as messages on her mirror, notes in her purse or tickets to a concert.

Here is how you can make your wife feel sexy:

Don’t be critical of her looks, or life choices. While it’s important for couples to communicate honestly with each other, it’s equally important that you avoid making critical remarks about your partner’s appearance or other personal choices. Remember that she is a part of you and therefore deserves your respect and support at all times.

Make time for each other. When life gets busy with work and family obligations, it’s easy for couples to lose sight of each other’s needs. But this can lead to serious problems in your relationship if not corrected quickly enough. Take time out at least once per week to spend together doing something fun together — whether it’s going out on date night or just enjoying some private time together at home while the kids are asleep or out playing with friends. Read(how to make her love you again)

How to make your wife feel sexy, Make her feel desired.

Women crave to be wanted and desired. When a woman feels like the man in her life wants her, it makes her feel sexy.

She wants to know that she is the most beautiful woman in the world to him. She wants him to think about her when they are apart. She wants him to tell her what he sees in her that makes him fall in love with her even more every day. He needs to tell her how much he admires and respects her as an individual as well as a mother and as a wife.

A woman needs to feel that she is the most important person in his life and that he is willing to do whatever it takes for her happiness and for their family. She wants him to put aside his own pride and ego so that he can be open about what makes them both happy together as a couple.

As a man, it can be difficult to know how to make your wife feel sexy. You may want her all the time, but she might not always be in the mood. The key is being able to tell when she is interested in sex and then taking action. If you are unsure whether or not she wants sex, try asking her straight out. If she says “no,” respect that response and don’t push it any further

Although at one point in her life, she may have been the most beautiful woman in the world, and although you have enjoyed looking at that beauty each day, don’t forget that true beauty is on the inside. If you can find a way to show her how important and special she is, even if her outside doesn’t seem picture perfect to you anymore, she will feel much more valued by your words than by any gifts you can get for her.

You can read more about How to make your girlfriend feel special

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