How to make him want you again

Breaking up is hard to do. If you’re on the left side of that equation, you know it can be especially tough. Read this blog to understand how to make him want you again.

Being separated from someone you love hurts, leaving you with feelings that quickly snowball into sadness, loneliness and regret.

Missing your boyfriend passes the time and keeps you company but never seems to cure the cause.

All I can say is this — it’s hard, but it does get easier (as does heartbreak in general).

This article will guide you through the process of finding your way back to happiness and loving life again.

How to make him want you again, Tell him how you feel


Men are simple creatures and they don’t like to be confused. They want to know what you’re thinking, how you feel and what you want.

If you want him to come back, you need to make it clear that the relationship is what matters most to you.

Make your intentions clear by telling him how much he means to you and how important he is in your life.

Tell him that you are willing to do whatever it takes for the two of you to work things out.

If he is still unsure about whether or not he wants to get back together with you, then this step may help him make a decision one way or another.

Act like you’re having a great time without him.

If you’re trying to get back with your ex, it’s important to act as if you don’t care. This doesn’t mean that you should act like a jerk or be mean to them.

It means that you should be yourself and act as if everything is fine.

Don’t get too close to the ex. The best way to make him want you again is by not being too close to him.

He will feel uncomfortable around you and will find ways of getting rid of you.

Act like you’re having a great time without him around and he will want to come around and spend time with you again.

When he asks about your other male friends, tell him that they are just friends, but that doesn’t mean he can’t hang out with them from time to time too (if he wishes).

There is no one rule or piece of advice to take when trying to get your ex back. No magic potion or procedure that works every time.

You have to try different things, see what works and what doesn’t.

But don’t give up after 10 – 15 days because you have already made a big investment in time and emotion, keep going until your common sense tells you it won’t work any more.

Ask him for his advice.

If he’s the guy who knows everything, he’ll be flattered that you’re seeking his wisdom on a topic or situation.

This can lead to an interesting conversation and even some new perspectives on things.

Compliment him.

You don’t have to wait until he’s done something great to tell him how awesome he is — tell him every day how much you appreciate him and his efforts.

He’ll feel special and know that you really care about him.

Do something nice for him (and don’t expect anything in return).

This is the best way to surprise your man, especially when he least expects it — like when he comes home from work or school late at night, exhausted from a long day, and all he wants is a hot meal and a good night’s sleep!

Do something nice for him like making dinner or doing his laundry so that he doesn’t have to worry about it when he comes home from work or school.

So that he can focus on relaxing and unwinding after a stressful day away from home.

How to make him want you again, appreciate him when he’s there for you.

Coworkers at the airport waiting for the flight

Your relationship is in trouble, and you’re not sure how to fix it.

You’ve tried talking to your boyfriend, but he’s still avoiding you and spending more time with his friends than with you.

You know that if you want to get back together with him, you’re going to have to do some work first. Here are some tips for turning things around:

Appreciate him when he’s there for you. If your boyfriend has been ignoring you lately, give him a reason to come back into the fold by appreciating his efforts when they do show up.

If he brings home dinner from work one night, thank him for doing so and tell him how much it means to you.

If he agrees to spend time with his family over a weekend, thank him for making the effort and letting them see how much he cares about them too.

The more positive interactions between the two of you increase the odds that he will be interested in getting back together again.

Don’t overdo it though — remember that men are sensitive creatures who don’t like being nagged or harassed by women.

If he stops responding after a few thank-yous because he feels like there’s no end in sight? Stop thanking him! There’s no need

Treat yourself to something new and sexy

If you feel like your ex-boyfriend is slipping away from you, then it’s time to remind him how great you are:

Treat yourself to something new and sexy. If you’re feeling down about your appearance, do something about it!

Get a haircut, buy new clothes (or even just one new piece), and pamper yourself with a massage or facial.

Your ex-boyfriend won’t be able to resist the positive changes in you when he sees them!

Keep up with your regular activities so that you don’t miss out on anything important — especially if they’re social events that he attends regularly.

If he knows that he’ll always have fun with his friends even without him around, then maybe he’ll think twice before ditching them for someone else — namely, you!

Show him what a great girlfriend or wife you can be by doing things for him without asking or expecting anything in return — like cooking dinner or washing his car while he’s at work (or out of town).

This will show him that you really do care about him as

Listen when he talks about his passions, and share yours with him


The key to getting back the man you love is to find out what he loves.

The more you know about his interests, the easier it will be to connect with him.

If he’s into cars, watch a car show with him, or take a ride in his favorite car. If he loves football, go watch the game with him and cheer on his favorite team.

If you don’t know anything about his passions, ask him questions about them and share your own passions.

It’s important that you both feel like you’re on equal ground when it comes to discussing topics that are important to each of you.

You can also try going out with friends together if he has any, but make sure they’re people who won’t judge either of you too harshly if things don’t work out between you two again right away.

If things work out between the two of you once again after some time apart (which would be great) then tell him how happy it makes you feel.

When he does something for you or says something nice about how great you look today etc… which will help build trust again between the two of you

Make the first move, but not always the next ones.

The first step to getting him back is making him want you. You can’t do anything if he’s already moved on and is happy with someone else.

If you’ve been dumped, it’s important that you don’t rush into things.

You need time to think about what went wrong in your relationship and whether you really still have feelings for your ex.

If you’re not sure, then the next move shouldn’t be contacting him.

If you know that there’s something still there between the two of you, then it’s time to get in touch.

You may have been hurt by the breakup and feel like being really cold towards him at first, but remember: he wants to know that there’s still hope for reconciliation!

This means showing some warmth in your response – even if it is only a little bit of warmth at first!

Try to communicate in a kind way:

Although you might be angry, getting into a fight will only make things worse. If your partner is acting like an ass, try talking to him in a calm and constructive way.

For example, say, “I know you’re upset right now, but we need to figure out this problem together so we can move forward.”

Chances are, the two of you will be able to talk about your problems without getting into an argument.

Be honest about what you want:

If you want your partner to change his behavior or do something differently in the future, let him know how you feel.

For instance, if he’s always late picking up his dirty clothes from the floor after work and you’re tired of putting them away yourself every night.

Tell him that it bothers you and ask him if he could pick them up before bedtime instead of after work.

Communicate with each other:

Communication is key when it comes to any relationship — romantic or otherwise — but it often gets pushed aside after the initial excitement wears off.

Make sure that both of you are talking about important topics like money management, sex life and family planning at least once a month so there isn’t any confusion or resentment later on down the road

Be the best version of yourself

how to make him want you again

If you have lost a man and want him back, here is how to make him want you again.

The first thing you need to do is be the best version of yourself. I’m not saying that you should try to be perfect or even pretend that you are.

You just need to be your authentic self and stop worrying about what other people think of you.

If he doesn’t like it, then it’s his loss and there are plenty more fish in the sea who will appreciate you for exactly who you are.

Don’t play games

The next thing that you need to do is stop playing games.

This can be anything from flirting with other guys, making him jealous by hanging out with other guys or acting like you don’t care about him at all.

When really deep down inside you’re dying inside because he left you behind without so much as a goodbye text message or phone call.

It’s time to stop pretending that everything is ok when it clearly isn’t because nothing ever makes anyone feel better than being honest with themselves about how they feel about things around them in life.

Be confident

If you’re in a relationship and want to know how to make him want you again, then you’re in the right place.

Confidence is key in any relationship, but when it comes to your man, it makes all the difference in the world.

If he feels like you are confident and comfortable with yourself, he’ll be more likely to not only respect you, but also want to spend time with you.

Be independent

Another thing that will help you make him want you again is being independent.

You both need to have your own lives and interests outside of each other so that there’s something to look forward to when you’re together.

This makes life more interesting for both of you and helps keep things fresh.

You don’t have as much time together as most couples do so it’s important that when you do spend time together it’s memorable and exciting for both of you.

Learn more about how to make your husband fall in love you again after separation.

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