How to make him think about you over text

I often have clients asking me about this, How to make a him think about them over text. Some even go as far as wanting to know if it is even possible. It’s important to note that most guys will not think of you over text on their own, so here are some texting rules they should follow if they want you to be thinking of them.

Be sweet and flirty.

You want to be able to make him think about you and miss you when he’s not with you. To do that, you need to be flirty and sweet.

So what does flirty and sweet mean? It means being playful, funny, and flirtatious. It means putting yourself out there, but in a way that doesn’t feel too forward or desperate.

If he starts talking about how much he misses his girlfriend, ask him if he’s going to take her on a date tonight or if they’re just going to cuddle up on the couch together. If he says they’re going out on a date, ask him what he’s going to do with her — maybe even suggest an activity that sounds fun (like hiking). Or maybe ask him if they’re going out somewhere fancy or casual. If it seems like it would be fun for both of them, suggest that next time they should all go together as friends!

If he mentions something about work or school, say something like “Oh yeah? Tell me more!” And then listen attentively as if every detail is fascinating and important — because it probably is! (Well… maybe not every detail.)

How to make him think about you over text, Tailor your texts to his interests.

If you want to text a guy and make him think about you, you need to know what he’s interested in.

If you’re in a relationship with him, then you probably already know some of his interests, but if not, then ask him questions about his favorite movies, music, sports teams or books.

Once you know what he likes, use it as the basis for your next couple of texts. If he loves baseball and football, send him a link to an article about one of those sports or tell him about something related to them that happened on TV that day.

If he’s into science fiction movies, send him a link to an article about one of them or tell him about something related to them that happened recently in real life (like how NASA made their first announcement about finding signs of life on Mars).

If he loves video games or comic books or anything else geeky like that — like I do — then send him links to funny pictures related to it on Tumblr or Reddit or wherever else they’re posted online.

Joke around with him to make him think about you over text

He’s probably thinking about you all the time, but sometimes guys need a reminder to actually text you back.

Here are some ways to make him want to get back in touch with you:

Joke around with him. It’s not like he’s going to think you’re crazy if you crack a joke or two. You don’t have to be a comedian either; just throw in some humor here and there. If you can make him laugh, he’ll remember how much fun he had with you, and that will motivate him to respond.

Ask him questions about himself. Guys love talking about themselves, so ask some questions that will open the door for him to share more about his interests and personality.

Be honest and direct. If you don’t hear from him after a few days, don’t beat around the bush—just ask if everything is okay between the two of you.

Keep it casual and lighthearted if possible; no need to be needy or clingy by texting too often or asking too many questions (if he hasn’t texted back yet).

Give him pet names.

There is nothing wrong with giving him pet names. It’s a fun way to flirt and show affection.

It’s not only cute, but it also shows that you are comfortable with the relationship and that you are close enough to do things like this.

A lot of people think that using pet names is cheesy or immature, but that’s not the case at all! There are so many cute nicknames out there and I think it’s important to use one that fits your relationship.

There are some basic rules when it comes to nicknames:

Make sure they fit his personality (no “honey” if he hates being called sweet things)

Don’t use the same nickname over and over again because we get bored of hearing our own names repeated all the time in conversation (not just with texting)

Compliment him often.

compliment him

When you’re texting a guy, it’s important to make him think about you. But don’t just think about what to say — also consider when to say it. If you’ve been talking for a while, now is the time to find out more about him, so he can see how well you know him and how much you care.

Compliment him often.

If you have an interest in him, then he’s probably already interested in you too. That means that he’s going to be looking at your texts with interest and excitement — especially if those texts include compliments.

Make sure that every now and then one of those compliments is directed toward him; it will let him know that he’s on your mind even when he isn’t around. And maybe even remind him how much better life would be with you in it!

Ask questions. If there’s something that has been on your mind lately but hasn’t come up in conversation yet, this is the perfect time to ask about it via text message. This can be anything from asking about his plans for the weekend or what his favorite movie is — just don’t expect an answer immediately; sometimes these kinds of questions take days

How to make him think about you over text, Text him the lyrics to love songs.

text him

You want him to think about you, and you want him to do it when he isn’t with you. It is the ultimate goal of all flirting.

Texting is a great way to make a guy think about you without being around him. Here are some tips on how to get a guy thinking about you over text:

Text him the lyrics to love songs. If you know he likes a certain type of music, then send him a text that has lyrics from one of his favorite songs. If you don’t know what kind of music he likes, then find out by asking his friends or family members or just by looking at his Facebook page.

Once you know what kind of music he listens to, then play it for him over text. Send him texts like “I’m listening to [insert song title here] because it reminds me of us!” or “I was thinking about what we did last night while listening to this song.” This will show that you care about his interests and that they mean something special to both of you!

Send a text in the middle of the night saying you miss him.

You miss him. You really do. You just want to share your feelings with him, but you don’t know what to say.

Well, here are some text messages you can send to make him think about you over text!

Tell him how much you miss him. You miss him, so tell him that. It’s a simple yet effective way of showing your feelings. You don’t have to be too elaborate in your explanation — just let him know how much he means to you by saying that he’s on your mind all the time.

Make it clear that you’re thinking about the future. If you’re not sure about where this relationship is going, then it’s best to be honest about it from the start rather than keeping silent and hoping for the best. If he’s wondering if there’s more between the two of you, then let him know that yes, there is! Tell him that yes, there will be more between the two of them in the future and that yes, there will be even more between them if they continue being together as a couple!

Send a picture message of yourself smiling or laughing at something funny (like a movie scene) Read (how to make your boyfriend happy)

Making him curious about what you’re up to.

When you’re the one texting first, the ball is in your court. You can play it cool and keep things low-key, or you can go for a more flirty approach to make him think about you over text.

If you want to make him think about you over text, try one of these strategies:

Make him curious about what you’re up to. If he knows where you are and what you’re doing, he’s less likely to wonder why he hasn’t heard from you yet. Instead of just saying “I’m at work” or “I’m home,” tell him something interesting about what’s going on around you. This will help him realize that even though he hasn’t heard from you in a while, there are still plenty of reasons why this could be happening.

Ask questions instead of making statements. When it comes to sending messages over text, there’s no better way to get someone thinking about your response than by asking them a question that requires more than just a yes or no answer — especially if it’s an intriguing question that makes them curious as well! Your guy might not have thought much about what was going on with him before asking the question, but now that he has an answer.

Building sexual tension with your words.

So you’ve finally got his attention. Now what?

You want to keep him interested and thinking about you, so here are a few ways to do it:

Talk about sex. Slightly naughty comments are a great way to build sexual tension with your words. So if he texts you something like “I can’t wait to see you later,” respond with something like “You have no idea how badly I want you.” (Of course, don’t go overboard with this or else it could get creepy.)

This kind of flirting can be fun and playful, but remember that there’s a time and place for everything — especially when it comes to texting. If your conversation is getting too racy, don’t hesitate to tone it down and get back on track with the original topic of conversation.

Make plans together. Nothing says romance like spending quality time together in person! Rather than keeping your relationship solely online or over text messages, try planning an activity together — even if it’s something as simple as grabbing coffee or going to the movies. You’ll enjoy each other’s company more than ever before, plus you’ll get bonus points for being spontaneous! Read ( how man do to make their woman feel sexy)

Make a reference to something that happened between the two of you when he least expects it.

If you’ve ever been on a date with someone, you know that the most boring part is the waiting afterwards. You’ve got nothing to say, and neither does he. But if you were on a great date and had a lot of fun together, then there are bound to be lots of moments worth revisiting over text.

For example: If he was wearing some cool shoes or had an unusual hairstyle at the bar, mention it in passing. Or if he told a funny story about his dog (or whatever else), ask him what happened next. These seemingly random references will show him that you remember his personality and interests — which means he’ll notice them more when they come up again in future conversations!

There are hundreds ways to make him think about over text, but it all comes to how much effort you want to put in. It does not take much thought or time to send a man one short text but if you want to make him wonder what you are doing and whom you are with. just send him a couple of texts throughout the day with your plans, and tell him you will fill him in tomorrow. Read(,Cute massages to say to your boyfriend)

How to make your boyfriend feel special

One of the biggest problems in most relationships is that we and our partner stop making the effort to make each other feel special. We so easily fall into bad habits, like always sitting in front of the TV, or always going to that same restaurant and ordering the same meals.

Of course, it’s important to have these things in a relationship, but instead of building boredom into our lives we should spice things up with something special for our partner.

Read more on how to make your boyfriend feel special

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