
How to make a girl think about you

If you are in a short-term relationship or dating, I believe you’ve experienced what it’s like when a girl suddenly becomes hard-to-reach, aloof, more closed off and more distant. How to make a girl think about you? What does it mean? Do all women do this? Why don’t they want to spend time with you anymore? What should you do?

These are some of the questions that one could come across in their mind if this has happened to them. This article will help you to make your girl think about you

Do something special for her.


So she’s not just a friend, but you want her to be more than that.

You want her to think about you and miss you when you’re not around. But how do you make a girl think about you?

The answer is simple – surprise her! When she expects something from you, do something different that shows her that she means more than just a friend to you.

For example, if she asks you to go see a movie with her on Friday night, surprise her by taking her out for dinner instead.

Or if she wants to spend time with you on Saturday afternoon, take her out for lunch or brunch instead of meeting up after school or work like usual.

You get the point – do something unexpected!

Avoid Getting Distracted by Other Girls

If you want to make a girl think about you, then you have to get her attention.

In this article I will tell you how to do that and make her think about you.

Avoid Getting Distracted by Other Girls. If there’s another girl who likes you too much and wants to spend time with you, then avoid being distracted by her.

The girl who likes you may get jealous if she sees another girl hanging out with him all the time or giving him attention all the time.

So avoid hanging out with other girls as much as possible and focus on one girl only because she will appreciate it more than if there were multiple girls vying for your attention at once!

Get Her Attention. You need to get her attention first before anything else.

There are different ways of doing this but one of the best ways is to show off your best qualities.

For example, if she knows that you’re good at sports, then try showing off some of your skills so that she can see how amazing it is.

This will help her realize that she needs to pay more attention to you because you have so many great qualities.

Talk to her in person, not just by text or social media.


There are times when you’re going to have to get over your shyness and talk to a girl.

If you want her to think about you, then you need to make sure she sees you as someone worth thinking about.

Talk to her in person, not just by text or social media. The best way for her to know what kind of guy you are is for her to see what kind of guy you are.

So instead of texting, ask her out on a date or hang out with her at school or work.

When you meet someone for the first time, pay attention to how they look, how they dress and how they act around others.

Try talking to them about what interests them most or asking them questions about their life goals or dreams for the future.

Whatever makes them feel comfortable talking about themselves will help bring out their personality so that you can get a better idea of who they really are as individuals.

Once you’ve identified at least one thing about them that interests you (and hopefully multiple things),

Then ask more specific questions about those topics so that you can continue learning more about them without making them feel uncomfortable.

Be a good listener

The first step to getting a girl to think about you is to make her feel comfortable around you.

This can be achieved by being a good listener, which will give her the impression that you’re interested in what she has to say.

A lot of guys make the mistake of thinking that girls are only interested in talking about themselves and their interests, but this isn’t true.

Girls love talking about other people and their lives too. Read How to make your wife feel sexy

It’s important for you to ask questions about the things she says so that she feels like she’s being heard, but don’t be afraid to share some information about yourself as well.

Another key ingredient in making a girl think about you is giving her attention and compliments.

Don’t just look at her when she talks; make eye contact with her while she’s speaking and smile at her often.

If you tell her something nice or interesting about herself, wait until she finishes what she has to say before responding so that it doesn’t sound like you’re just saying it because it’s expected of you (e.g., “That’s great!”).

Show you care about her and other people too

A good way to make a girl think about you is to show that you care about her, but also about other people.

This will make her feel special, but not so special that she thinks you are only interested in her.

You can do this by showing interest in what they have to say, listening when they talk, and showing that you care about their interests, problems and needs.

This will make them see that you are a caring person who is there for them when they need someone, which means they’ll be more likely to want to be around you too!

Tell her interesting stories about your day or whatever interests or hobbies of yours she may know about so it seems like you two have things in common!

You could also ask her questions about herself so that she gets used to talking about those things with other people! (If she’s shy, then don’t push too hard).

If she wants something (like a drink), buy it for her! It shows that you’re willing to do anything for them (even if it’s just buying them something they want), which is really sweet! But don’t do this all the time.

Let her see that other people like you

You’ve got to make a girl think about you.If she doesn’t think about you, she’s not going to feel an emotional connection with you.

And if she doesn’t feel an emotional connection with you, then the relationship isn’t going to go anywhere.

Think about it: when was the last time you met someone and felt like you knew them right away? It happens all the time! Read Cute massages to send to your girlfriend

But when was the last time you met someone and felt like they knew everything about you in just a few minutes? Not so much.

The secret is that attraction is an emotion, and emotions can’t be forced.

So if a woman feels attracted to you, then she will definitely start thinking about you (and vice versa).

If she doesn’t feel attracted to you yet, then it’s up to her to decide whether or not she does (or more accurately: how much).

Be interesting. Don’t be boring or predictable!

You need to show her that there’s more to you than meets the eye and that there are things about yourself that she doesn’t know yet but should find out about soon (i.e., she’s wondering what else there is to learn about you).

How to make a girl think about you. Make her miss you

missing someone

Make her miss you, but don’t tell her that you want to go out with her. This is crucial.

If she knows that you want to see her, she won’t be as excited when you do manage to set up a date.

Instead, take some time apart from her to make her miss you more.

Then, when you finally do see each other again, she’ll be so happy that she won’t even notice if anything went wrong during your date or if there was something awkward between the two of you at some point in time during the night.

You can also try giving her a call every once in awhile if you don’t have plans for the weekend but are hoping for something to do on Saturday night or Sunday afternoon.

When she asks what’s up, just say that nothing is going on and ask if she’d like to hang out sometime soon so that the two of you can catch up and hang out together without any pressure whatsoever!

Make her feel comfortable around you

comfort her

The key to making a girl think about you is to make her feel comfortable around you.

If she is comfortable around you, she will be more likely to think about you.

Be confident; don’t be afraid to show it. Don’t fake confidence, but if you are feeling confident, show it by smiling and being friendly.

It also helps if you have some knowledge of what the two of you are talking about (if not, ask questions).

This can help make her see that you are not intimidated by her or anyone else in the room.

Be yourself; don’t try too hard or try to be someone else just for this one person.

If she doesn’t like who you really are then she would never want to spend time getting to know all of those real parts of yourself anyway!

How to make a girl want you more. Be yourself

Guys and girls are different, but most of the time, if you just be yourself, she’ll see that you’re not just another guy.

If you want a girl to think about you, then be yourself. Girls are attracted to guys who have confidence and don’t take themselves too seriously.

If you’re funny, make her laugh. If you’re smart, show it off. If you’re attractive, let her know!

If she likes what she sees and hears when she is around you, then she will want to spend more time with you.

She will start thinking about how great it would be if the two of you were together!

Dos and don’ts to make your girlfriend think about you

Don’t put on a show. If you’re not into her or don’t want to date her, then don’t pretend to be interested. She will see right through it.

Don’t get too personal too quickly! It’s important to have some kind of rapport before you start asking about her family, or what she wants out of life. That being said…

Don’t talk about yourself for too long! If she asks how your weekend was,

Don’t tell her about how much fun you had with your friends and all the cool things you did.

Ask her about hers instead! As a guy, you want to do everything you can to get a girl to think about you and your relationship.

When this happens, she will be more interested in meeting you and having time with you.

If you are single and looking for love, there are some things you can do to make a girl from work or school think about you.

Read more on how to make your wife feel loved again

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