What is a platonic relationship?

What is a platonic relationship?

Platonic relationships are not as simple as they seem, and there are many misconceptions about them.  These are defined by Merriam-Webster as “a relationship of mutual affection or regard between friends who do not have a romantic or sexual interest in each other.”  However, this definition does not explain the full scope of what a…

Are you in a toxic relationship? Identifying the warning signs

Are you in a toxic relationship? Identifying the warning signs

Are You in a Toxic Relationship? Identifying the Warning Signs in this article. A toxic relationship is one that is unhealthy and damaging to one or both partners. If you’ve been in a relationship for any amount of time, you know that it’s normal to have ups and downs. No one deserves to be in…

How woman try to manipulate and control men

How woman try to manipulate and control men

Firstly, you want to recognize that guys try this to girls too? Read this selection on approaches guys control girls to lead them to fall in love, in case you need to recognize the male mind. What’s recreation gambling on the beginning of a relationship? What’s gambling tough to get with someone? What’s performing unavailable…